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Friday, September 19, 2008
Job Interview

ytd went to UOB Ctr for a interview..
when reach there was told i hv to xchange my IC for the pass..
as i do nt knw abt tis i told e security guy i did nt bring...
guess wat for some unknown reason e stupid security keep nagging at me saying w/0 IC he cannot let me go up...
i tried to explain to him tt e agent did not inform me abt tt...
but he keep nagging & by e time i was tired + hungry(hv nt eaten anything ytd & itd 2pm alr) + hving a bad headache (been hving for a few daes)...
u will nv guess wat i do...
i flare up n started getting bk to e stupid security...
by telling him again tt i was nt aware & suggesr wat he can help me to do...
(note: i very very very rare will flare up & talk hushly, i m always very very polite)
so u can guess how irritated & flare up i m..
in e end e security oso ask me to call e agent...
& + previously e stupid agent spoke on e phone she seems lyk dun wan to enterain any qn & rude cos its e agent i cannot do anything mah...
i nid her help to find job..
thus using e chance ytd i told her i was nt aware tt i hv to bring IC if she is gd she will be able to read btw e line... (which is to say she did nt ask me to bring)..
in e end she ask her boss to speak to me & ask me to pass e phone to e security in less than 14 min its settle..
(note: e security is a indian old man, not tt i am racist.. but believe me i hv met other races of security, but its onli e indian 1's who is inflexible & trying to b difficult)
nt tt i m purposely being difficult...
hey other agent oso remind me to bring IC...
if u r nice to me over e phone or remind me to bring my IC i will even say i forget to bring & was nt in e habit to bring it out..
as it was u r nt so nice to me y shd i be nice to u...
yes i nid a job but there r other agency...
fr my past dealing wif tt agency i now how bad their svc are...

but e gd thing is b4 tt i went another agency...
e 1 who got me into e job tt until now i still lyk it even though its been over 1 yr & i hv left e job...
i met old consultant who recommend me into tt job while being interview by another consultant...
e old consultant nt onli day hi but even came forward to chat wif me..
hey how many consultant can rmb a candidate? & even aft so long still so friendly & came over to chat wif u...
nt tt many i guess...
been seeing & applying a lot of job tt i interested & e location is ok de...
hope i can get a call fr them for an interview & better still they wan to hire me... =)
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
7:41 AM

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Recently trying to make changes to my blog... however, it really does nt seems easy...

when i thought tt i finally finish left onli e simple 1's.. then even e simple 1's oso give me prob...

its driving me up e wall... wif no manual, no guidence.. taking me 3x more of e time than wat was needed...

ralli nid to go library bks on html... hope to finish real real soon...
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
10:04 AM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Non-Wking Days

My non wking day is at hm looking aft my niece... Actually its busier & tiring than my day in office but my fr they thought tt I at hm can shake leg haha...

On top of tt e PEOPLE ard me seem to hv mood swing or rather they r short temper.. I m always e 1 who kanna fr EVERYONE!!! I hv my mood swing days but the ratio is 3:1 mine is 1...Y shd I b e 1 for them to vent their temper at, Y shd I always hv to tolerate e unfair treatment? Y shd I close 1 eye when things I did not do wrong or for my reason I can kanna scolding... Y I cannot give my feedback even though it is put in a nice manner? YYY???

The unfair I can quote many e.g. such as when at night I watch tv & my niece wants to slp I will tune dwn e tv volume but to "someone" its still nt enough I will kanna scolding.. whereas in the same suitation another person whose tv volume is louder than mine e "someone" nv even say something.. so when the suitation arise again I express my observation to tis "someone" & she express tt the person tv volume is lower than mine when in fact I hv already observed for a few nights already...

Another case would be whenever I on an xtra light at night I would kanna scold by "someone" whereas if it is tt another person its ok de.. then when I express what I feel & c e "someone" will try to defend tt person...

I m nt petty or anything, its juz tt I an trying to get "fairness".. but tt someone thought tt I am trying to stir trouble.. What upsets me e most is no matter what tat another peron do or does nt do at hm, tt "someone" will feel tt its ok, but if it is in my case if I do 1 item less she will be NOT HAPPY"!!! I m sick & tired of all these... What I m most sick is e unfair part... Y can't tt "someone" be more impartial??
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9:07 AM

Temp For 2 Days

Its been 1 mth since I left my last job... Thus I took up a temp for 2 days doing pscking it was recommended by Ms A.

On my 1st day, we including person B & C we started our work & it was close to lunch time when the person-in-charge D told B, C & me that we would hv to stop talking & wk faster as D has a deadline to meet.

Thus B, C & me we kept quiet & work, when in fact there was another grp of 3 gals who has been talking non-stop since we have started wking that day.. I dunno that is it bcos tat grp of gals there is 1 that is D's niece or is it due to D hv nothing better to do thus wanted to stir trouble...

As A is a fr of the company owner E A told B, C, & me that that day E sms her to ask A to told B, C, & me to dun talk so much & wk as REPORTED by D. I was so angry. Juz bcos at tat point of time D came in B, C, & me were talking thus u assume that we hv been talking the whole while.. Wat makes me more angry is tt D oso talk to tt grp of galsy i nv c her tell e boss or advise thwem they hv to speed up & dun talk so much, when in fact tt grp of gals they r less eficient than us...

Tis reminds me of my previous job its juz as politic... Which is wat I dun lyk.. Furthermore its juz a 2 day temp job still can lyk tt which makes me more sian...
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
8:53 AM

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Happy Story
CNY is coming & e mood is getting stronger, wat a happy occasion... yeah looking forward to it & of course the process of doing e shopping... =D
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
3:59 AM

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Duuno if you have ever came across this knind of person(s)

Story 1

where you have some realli advance info that you can help a person to do their thins in a better & more efficent way, you let them know... but they chose nt to heed your advice... thus you thought that they tink that they prefer to do things their way or rather they are nt keen to try out new things...

then many weeks later they will tell you thst this thing is gd, when in fact that it is exactly what you have sid or suggest in the 1st place... then when you kindly inform that person that you have told them this weeks ago they claim that i di nt mentioned...

Story 2

When you are(A) trying new things out especially if it is purchase using your own capital, the whole world wuld start saying that you shouldn't do this & do that, and even say that you are silly...

So many mths later 1 of the person(B) starts asking you how you go about buying this stuff... so as a kind person who believe in helping whenever possible or needed starts telling everything even giving advise of what to look out or what not to do...

Then even many many months later the person(B) starts to buy the things using the knowledge that A tells them and then tell the whole world that they buy the things & worse of all noone seem to think that what B is doing is wrong... worse of all is that when A confront that same group of people they will start to justify that B is this this this has contacts this this this...

Seriously I think that kind of person(s) is realli disguesting....
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9:42 AM

hey its ne again...

I relise rhat my post is realli onces a mth... its really limited post haha...

So todae hv decided to post 2 post...

Look out for my 2nd post...
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9:40 AM

Friday, November 30, 2007
Yah its the countdown of the last mth of 2007. First of all looking forward to x'mas... I like x'mas alot its bcos all the stuff their packaging is sooo nice, I like the atmosphere & deco...

Hmmm recently done a lot of shopping, most of shopping is done on clothing... i decided to stock rake my new clothes... 1 interesting thing I discover is I bought lots of dress as in 1 piece dress... then these few days I also went to see the onine clothes & i realise tt I am only looking at their 2-piece top or dress...

I guess the reason I started liking dress is due to my co D & D as I wore a dress, or maybe i am juz tired of wearing a combi of top & bottom...

My nxt shopping list is to buy a bag, accessories & shoes... naturally if got nice clothes will also buy... from my current shopping trend I will most likely look at dress first... I guess some ppl they do have a trend at 1 time such as buying dress, shoes, belt etc...
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
8:04 AM

Friday, October 26, 2007
Re: ....

Yesterdae had a outing wif one of my close fr... at 1st I was looking forward to this outing cos its been ages ago that we last meet up...

However, one of my fr nt feeling well thus cannot make it... in the end its onli me & my fr... I dun mind... but during the outing my fr started to say smething funny that makes me feel kinda weird...

Not sure is it due to my more exposure in the wkforce or is it tt we are close fr...


Oso on fri late nite i had my dessert wif my friends... we juz step out of a foodcourt then there is 1 lady who come to approach me to ask me to go into the foodcourt to help her to check for empty container or can... the thing is i keep steping away from her then she keep coming to close the distance btw us... then in the end me & my friends we walk further away to discuss our unfinished conversation at the same time we keep looking out for the lady...

Aft trying to approach a few other ppl but they all ignore her, then we saw tt she is coming towards us we quickly ran away...

Wonder y tis kind of thing keep happening to me... its the 2nd tine within a mth... dunno is it my recent dwn of luck or i juz happen to be "lucky"...

haiz haiz...
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
8:13 PM

NaME: Yu Feng, AgE: 23+, D.O.B: 28/09/***
sing, read, watch tv, shop & meeting friends
|Aunty Rain|
|Jia Ling|
|Lee Chin|
|Po Zhu|
|Shi Ling|
|Shu Ying|
|Yi Jun|
|| 古天乐
what i had!
|April 2007|
|May 2007|
|June 2007|
|July 2007|
|October 2007|
|November 2007|
|December 2007|
|January 2008|
|July 2008|
|September 2008|